It has always been COERR’s concern and dedication to raise awareness of refugees about Thailand’s deforestation, especially in the degraded forest where refugee camps were situated. COERR therefore, established the Environmental Protection and education activities in all refugee camps since the establishment of the camps and has continued to conduct awareness raising activities since then.
On June 5th is the World Environment Day, in which COERR usually conduct Tree planting activity as one of the projects to protect the forest where Mae Lama Luang and Mae La Oon camps are located. This year, COERR Mae Sarieng organized the Tree Planting activity to celebrate the Coronation of H.M. the King during the world environment day. The project also aimed at raising awareness of refugee youth in understanding benefit of planting trees and living in harmony with forest.
It was on June 15th, 2019 that the tree planting ceremony was organized in Ban Mae La Ma Luang camp for 107 refugees of 61 female and 46 male participated, and in Ban Mae La Oon camp for 106 refugees of 40 female and 66 male participated. Representatives from various organizations gathered to provide their speech about how significant it is to have more trees while the need to use the tree products also rise and more trees are cut down every year. It would be dangerous if not many trees are planted. The land would become dry as there would be no rain nor growing trees. Nature will permanently change. Tree Planting is one of the factors to protect our nature and keep the land fertile and productive for mankind permanently. Then refugees and organizations’ representatives traveled to the risk area and plant the young trees in the soil prepared for, water them and hope to see these small plants growing up and becoming big trees in the future.
